ECE 3040

Numerical Methods for Engineers

(Professor-In-Charge: Mohamad Hassoun)


Winter 2024

Lecture Section: 24762

Lecture time: Tu & Thu, 11:30-12:45

Lectures are held in Room 1162, Old Main


Study day: Tuesday, April 23


Holidays (no classes):

Monday, Jan 15

Spring Break: March 11 - 17


Final Exam: Tuesday, April 30

(10:15 am – 12:15 pm)



Prerequisites: BE1200 & BE1500 & MAT2030; prereq or coreq: MAT2150

Developing numerical algorithms to provide solutions to engineering problems. Derivation of numerical algorithms and investigation of their stability, accuracy, efficiency and scalability. Programming numerical algorithms in Matlab. Topics include: Machine Round-off error, truncation error, root finding, solution of systems of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations, Taylor and Chebyshev series and rational function approximation, interpolation, regression, numerical differentiation, numerical integration, numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, and Monte Carlo methods.  (T)

Prerequisites and co-requisites are checked automatically at the time of registration.  However, it is ultimately a student's responsibility to make certain that they have the prerequisites and co-requisites for a course.  Students must remain registered for a co-requisite course throughout the semester.  Advisors will check course prerequisites and co-requisites during the 5th and 6th week of the semester.  Any student found to be registered for a course without meeting these requirements, and without an official waiver on file, will be administratively withdrawn from the course.

Course Learning Objectives:

  1. Utilize the computer to solve engineering problems
  2. Utilize programming logic, structure and syntax to develop multifunctional algorithms to solve engineering problems
  3. Integrate existing numerical methods into these algorithms
  4. Implement the designed algorithms using MATLAB
  5. Determine errors present in numerical solutions to engineering problems
  6. Integrate programming and numerical methods to solve linear and nonlinear engineering problems.


Outcome Coverage:

ABET 1.    An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics


Students will learn to apply the learned numerical analysis methods, algorithms, and Matlab programs to solve some important engineering problems. The problems include matrix computation, solutions of linear and nonlinear equations, regression, interpolation, differentiation, integration, approximation, differential equations, optimization, etc.


ABET 2.    An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.


Homework assignments and design projects require students to analyze functions and equations, develop models for data fitting, regression, and optimization, design algorithms to solve problems to satisfy specifications.


ABET 6.    An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.


Students will apply numerical methods to create models from data, analyze and evaluate errors, perform Matlab programing to solve engineering problems numerically.


ABET 7.    An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.



Instructor Information:

Name:             Mohamad H. Hassoun, Professor

Office:            3127 Engineering. Building

Office Phone: (313) 577-3966




Office Hours (Room 3127 Engineering):      

Tuesdays and Thursdays: 1:30 – 3:30pm

And by appointment.


Student Ambassador (study sessions):

Pre-recorded video sessions will be sent out weekly.


Grader: Chaitanya Siddhartha Pinjerla,


Optional textbook: Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, 2nd or 3rd edition are good enough, Steven C. Chapra (McGraw Hill, 2012). ISBN 978-0-07-340110-2.


Open access on-line material


Required Software: MATLAB Student Version. You must have this software installed and working on your own laptop before the end of the first week of classes.

Buy (Matlab and Simulink Student Suite, $99) and download it at (Here is a direct link).




Homework:     10%

Exams:                        60%     (3 exams @ 20% each)

Final Project:  10%

Final Exam:    20%

Important note: All assignments and exams for this course are expected to be completed based on 100% individual effort. Any sharing of materials, program codes, etc. (relating to exams and assignments) among students is counted as cheating (refer to the Cheating Policy at the end of this document). Copying from old solutions is prohibited.


Grading Scale:

Percentage/Grade/(Honor Point Value)

95-100                               A         (4.00)

90-94                                 A-        (3.67)

85-89                                 B+       (3.33)

80-84                                 B         (3.00)

75-79                                 B-        (2.67)

70-74                                 C+       (2.33)

65-69                                 C         (2.00)

60-64                                 C-        (1.67)

55-59                                 D+       (1.33)

50-54                                 D         (1.00)

45-49                                 D-        (0.67)

0-44                                   F          (0.00)


Drop & Withdraw Deadlines:

Beginning the fifth week of class students are no longer allowed to drop but must withdraw from classes. It is the student's responsibility to request the withdrawal. Failure to do so will result in a grade of F. The withdrawal period for full-term classes ends at the end of the tenth week of the term. See the Academic Calendar for specific information on when the withdrawal period ends.



Attendance: Attendance is required for all lectures. A student will lose 1 percent (out of the total final score) for every unexcused absence from a lecture. Arriving more than 3 minutes late to a lecture, leaving the lecture for more than 3 minutes or leaving the lecture early will be counted as absence. The student is expected to sign the attendance sheet upon arrival to the classroom. The attendance sheet will be withdrawn after 3 minutes of the start of the lecture. It is the student responsibility to arrive early and make sure to look for that attendance sheet and sign it. If a student does not sign the attendance sheet he/she will be counted as absent.



Smart phones and smart are strictly forbidden in Prof. Hassoun’s classes. Tablets and laptops are not to be used for any social media activity. Those are counted as distraction. Also counted as a distraction is the work on assignments or other activities that are not immediately associated with the lecture for that session. Penalty for the violation of those rules: for each incidence, one point will be deducted from the student’s final average.



A grade of I will be available only if the student needs to complete at most the final exam.

The final exam is scheduled according to the published university final exam schedule.


Makeup Exams: Makeup exams are available only for students with documented emergencies.


Very Important: Your Professor is known to be very strict when it comes to attendance and deadlines. He expects you to conduct yourself as a professional. Here are few examples:

-        He does not accept assignments submitted on the due date after he starts the lecture.

-        If he sets a submission date for an assignment (say bonus problem) to be received by email before 5:00 pm on a certain day and you submit at 5:01pm then he would not accept your submission.

-        When taking a test if he announces the end of the test and that you need to turn in your work, but you continue to write then he will not accept your work and you will receive a zero.

-        In case of an emergency, you must email him about your absence before class and you must bring with you a legitimate documentation for your absence (e.g, doctor’s note, court note, etc.)




Assignments are to be submitted via Canvas before the deadline. Late submissions are not accepted.

Note 1: All assignments must be completed based on individual effort. Any sharing (giving and/or receiving) of solutions, no matter how small, is considered cheating, and will lead to a zero grade for the assignment the second offence will lead to failing the course.

Note 2: All Matlab generated solutions, scripts, functions and plots must be included for each assignment. Your homework product must be properly edited to include the problem statement followed by your solution (analytic and/or Matlab-based) for each problem. Raw Matlab output is not acceptable. The solutions are preferred to be typed. Here is a sample of how your assignment should be formatted: Example of homework solution format.

Note 3: Students are expected to complete the homework assignments using their own PC running the Student version of Matlab.

Note 4: All numerical calculations must be performed using Matlab. Copy and paste the calculations in your solution. See the sample homework solution link (above). Screen capture of Matlab graphs and results for inclusion in your assignments can be generated using the following free software: Free screen capture program (Jing).

Students with Disability: If you have a documented disability that requires accommodations, you will need to register with Student Disability Services for coordination of your academic accommodations.  The Student Disability Services (SDS) office is located at 1600 David Adamany Undergraduate Library in the Student Academic Success Services department.  SDS telephone number is 313-577-1851 or 313-577-3365 (TDD only).  Once you have your accommodations in place, I will be glad to meet with you privately during my office hours to discuss your special needs.  Student Disability Services’ mission is to assist the university in creating an accessible community where students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to fully participate in their educational experience at Wayne State University. You can learn more about the disability office at:

Cheating and Penalty for Cheating: Cheating is defined by the University as “intentionally using or attempting to use, or intentionally providing or attempting to provide, unauthorized materials, information, or assistance in any academic exercise.” This includes any group efforts on assignments or exams unless specifically approved by the professor for that assignment or exam. Evidence of fabrication or plagiarism, as defined by the University in its brochure “Academic Integrity,” will also result in downgrading for the course. Students who cheat on any assignment or during any examination will be assigned a failing grade for the course.

Prof. Hassoun’s policy on cheating:

All work submitted for grading must be 100% individual effort (unless otherwise told beforehand by your professor).

The solutions to assignments (bonus problems and mini projects) might already be out there. Advice: Do not look at them, period!

All work you submit for grading (assignments, lab reports, exams, projects and bonus problems) must be 100% your own effort. You understand that once you submit your work for grading then you are automatically certifying that the work is 100% yours. Upon grading your work, if cheating is detected (no matter how small) on an Exam then you will FAIL the course. On all other graded work, the first cheating incidence (no matter how small) by a student will earn that student a zero for that piece of work, and the second offence is an automatic failure of the course.

And yes, your professor monitors website such as and others. Advice: Do not use such sites to cheat.