Table of Contents

Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Networks
by Mohamad H. Hassoun

(MIT Press, 1995)

Chapter 1 Threshold Gates

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Threshold Gates
1.1.1 Linear Threshold Gates
1.1.2 Quadratic Threshold Gates
1.1.3 Polynomial Threshold Gates
1.2 Computational Capabilities of Polynomial Threshold Gates
1.3 General Position and the Function Counting Theorem
1.3.1 Weierstrass's Approximation Theorem
1.3.2 Points in General Position
1.3.3 Function Counting Theorem
1.3.4 Separability in f-Space
1.4 Minimal PTG Realization of Arbitrary Switching Functions
1.5 Ambiguity and Generalization
1.6 Extreme Points
1.7 Summary

Chapter 2 Computational Capabilities of Artificial Neural Networks

2.0 Introduction
2.1 Some Preliminary Results on Neural Network Mapping Capabilities
2.1.1 Network Realization of Boolean Functions
2.1.2 Bounds on the Number of Functions Realizable by a Feedforward Network of LTG's
2.2 Necessary Lower Bounds on the Size of LTG Networks
2.2.1 Two Layer Feedforward Networks
2.2.2 Three Layer Feedforward Networks
2.2.3 Generally Interconnected Networks with no Feedback
2.3 Approximation Capabilities of Feedforward Neural Networks for Continuous Functions
2.3.1 Kolmogorov's Theorem
2.3.2 Single Hidden Layer Neural Networks are Universal Approximators
2.3.3 Single Hidden Layer Neural Networks are Universal Classifiers
2.4 Computational Effectiveness of Neural Networks
2.4.1 Algorithmic Complexity
2.4.2 Computational Energy
2.5 Summary

Chapter 3 Learning Rules

3.0 Introduction
3.1 Supervised Learning in a Single Unit Setting
3.1.1 Error Correction Rules
Perceptron Learning Rule Generalizations of the Perceptron Learning Rule
The Perceptron Criterion Function
Mays Learning Rule
Widrow-Hoff (alpha-LMS) Learning Rule
3.1.2 Other Gradient Descent-Based Learning Rules
mu-LMS Learning Rule
The mu-LMS as a Stochastic Process
Correlation Learning Rule
3.1.3 Extension of the mu-LMS Rule to Units with Differentiable Activation Functions: Delta Rule
3.1.4 Adaptive Ho-Kashyap (AHK) Learning Rules
3.1.5 Other Criterion Functions
3.1.6 Extension of Gradient Descent-Based Learning to Stochastic Units
3.2 Reinforcement Learning
3.2.1 Associative Reward-Penalty Reinforcement Learning Rule
3.3 Unsupervised Learning
3.3.1 Hebbian Learning
3.3.2 Oja's Rule
3.3.3 Yuille et al. Rule
3.3.4 Linsker's Rule
3.3.5 Hebbian Learning in a Network Setting: Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
PCA in a Network of Interacting Units
PCA in a Single Layer Network with Adaptive Lateral Connections
3.3.6 Nonlinear PCA
3.4 Competitive learning
3.4.1 Simple Competitive Learning
3.4.2 Vector Quantization
3.5 Self-Organizing Feature Maps: Topology Preserving Competitive Learning
3.5.1 Kohonen's SOFM
3.5.2 Examples of SOFMs
3.6 Summary

Chapter 4 Mathematical Theory of Neural Learning

4.0 Introduction
4.1 Learning as a Search Mechanism
4.2 Mathematical Theory of Learning in a Single Unit Setting
4.2.1 General Learning Equation
4.2.2 Analysis of the Learning Equation
4.2.3 Analysis of some Basic Learning Rules
4.3 Characterization of Additional Learning Rules
4.3.1 Simple Hebbian Learning
4.3.2 Improved Hebbian Learning
4.3.3 Oja's Rule
4.3.4 Yuille et al. Rule
4.3.5 Hassoun's Rule
4.4 Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
4.5 Theory of Reinforcement Learning
4.6 Theory of Simple Competitive Learning
4.6.1 Deterministic Analysis
4.6.2 Stochastic Analysis
4.7 Theory of Feature Mapping
4.7.1 Characterization of Kohonen's Feature Map
4.7.2 Self-Organizing Neural Fields
4.8 Generalization
4.8.1 Generalization Capabilities of Deterministic Networks
4.8.2 Generalization in Stochastic Networks
4.9 Complexity of Learning
4.10 Summary

Chapter 5 Adaptive Multilayer Neural Networks I

5.0 Introduction
5.1 Learning Rule for Multilayer Feedforward Neural Networks
5.1.1 Error Backpropagation Learning Rule
5.1.2 Global Descent-Based Error Backpropagation
5.2 Backprop Enhancements and Variations
5.2.1 Weights Initialization
5.2.2 Learning Rate
5.2.3 Momentum
5.2.4 Activation Function
5.2.5 Weight Decay, Weight Elimination, and Unit Elimination
5.2.6 Cross-Validation
5.2.7 Criterion Functions
5.3 Applications
5.3.1 NetTalk
5.3.2 Glove-Talk
5.3.3 Handwritten ZIP Code Recognition
5.3.4 ALVINN: A Trainable Autonomous Land Vehicle
5.3.5 Medical Diagnosis Expert Net
5.3.6 Image Compression and Dimensionality Reduction
5.4 Extensions of Backprop for Temporal Learning
5.4.1 Time-Delay Neural Networks
5.4.2 Backpropagation Through Time
5.4.3 Recurrent Back-Propagation
5.4.4 Time-Dependent Recurent Back-Propagation
5.4.5 Real-Time Recurrent Learning
5.5 Summary

Chapter 6 Adaptive Multilayer Neural Networks II

6.0 Introduction
6.1 Radial Basis Function (RBF) Networks
6.1.1 RBF Networks versus Backprop Networks
6.1.2 RBF Network Variations
6.2 Cerebeller Model Articulation Controller (CMAC)
6.2.1 CMAC Relation to Rosenblatt's Perceptron and Other Models
6.3 Unit-Allocating Adaptive Networks
6.3.1 Hyperspherical Classifiers
Restricted Coulomb Energy (RCE) Classifier
Real-Time Trained Hyperspherical Classifier
6.3.2 Cascade-Correlation Network
6.4 Clustering Networks
6.4.1 Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) Networks
6.4.2 Autoassociative Clustering Network
6.5 Summary

Chapter 7 Associative Neural Memories

7.0 Introduction
7.1 Basic Associative Neural Memory Models
7.1.1 Simple Associative Memories and their Associated Recording Recipes
Correlation Recording Recipe
A Simple Nonlinear Associative Memory Model
Optimal Linear Associative Memory (OLAM)
OLAM Error Correction Capabilities
Strategies for Improving Memory Recording
7.1.2 Dynamic Associative Memories (DAM)
Continuous-Time Continuous-State Model
Discrete-Time Continuous-State Model
Discrete-Time Discrete-State Model
7.2 DAM Capacity and Retrieval Dyanamics
7.2.1 Correlation DAMs
7.2.2 Projection DAMs
7.3 Characteristics of High-Performance DAMs
7.4 Other DAM Models
7.4.1 Brain-State-in-a-Box (BSB) DAM
7.4.2 Non-Monotonic Activations DAM
Discrete Model
Continuous Model
7.4.3 Hysteretic Activations DAM
7.4.4 Exponential Capacity DAM
7.4.5 Sequence Generator DAM
7.4.6 Heteroassociative DAM
7.5 The DAM as a Gradient Net and its Application to Combinatorial Optimization
7.6 Summary

Chapter 8 Global Search Methods for Neural Networks

8.0 Introduction
8.1 Local versus Global Search
8.1.1 A Gradient Descent/Ascent Search Strategy
8.1.2 Stochastic Gradient Search: Global Search via Diffusion
8.2 Simulated Annealing-Based Global Search
8.3 Simulated Annealing for Stochastic Neural Networks
8.3.1 Global Convergence in a Stochastic Recurrent Neural Net: The Boltzmann Machine
8.3.2 Learning in Boltzmann Machines
8.4 Mean-Field Annealing and Deterministic Boltzmann Machines
8.4.1 Mean-Field Retrieval
8.4.2 Mean-Field Learning
8.5 Genetic Algorithms in Neural Network Optimization
8.5.1 Fundamentals of Genetic Search
8.5.2 Application of Genetic Algorithms to Neural Networks
8.6 Genetic Algorithm Assisted Supervised Learning
8.6.1 Hybrid GA/Gradient Descent Method for Feedforward Multilayer Net Training
8.6.2 Simulations
8.7 Summary


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